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Precautions of furnace lining construction with insulating ceramic fiber module 2

Apr. 03, 2019

 Last issue we introduced the precautions for anchoring nail welding and backing layer tiling for insulation ceramic fiber module lining construction. In this issue, we continue to introduce the precautions for module installation and lining finishing of insulation ceramic fiber module lining construction.

三、Installation of module.

1. Install one by one, row by row, and ensure that the nut is tightened into place.

2. When arranging the rows, pay attention to the installation of the compensation strip between the rows. When installing, strictly follow the design requirements of the drawings and compress to the specified thickness.

3. In order to prevent falling off, the compensation strip must be fixed to the installed ceramic fiber module with a U-shaped nail.

4. After removing the guard plate and the center plastic tube, the hole and module gap at the sleeve must be carefully checked, especially at the corners.

四、The lining trimming:

1. The surface of the ceramic fiber lining must be flat and dense.

2. Holes of tubes must be adjusted with folded layers or filled with ceramic fiber cotton or blanket.

3. The through-gap between the modules must be trimmed with a folded fiber blanket or fiber cotton.

Above is the precaution of module installation and lining trimming for insulation ceramic fiber module lining construction. Next issue we will continue to introduce the influence of the construction quality of the insulation ceramic fiber module lining. Please stay tuned!

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